They have been the official shoe for the RWhalf since the beginning. I was lucky enough to have met them back in 2012 at the very first RWhalf when they were a fairly new company. Like this year they also fitted us in a pair of their super comfortable shoes.
So seeing them again and getting fitted for the 2nd time by the actual owners Golden and Jeremy was super cool.

This year I was fitted into the ALTRA Paradigm 1.5's.
Introducing the Paradigm 1.5™—the only max-cushioned, Zero Drop™ neutral shoe with a FootShape™ toe box. It's the ideal shoe for runners seeking lightweight, max protection that encourages low-impact form. The impressive Zero Drop™ platform features super lightweight, dual-layer EVA foam and an A-Bound™ top layer for a relaxed and protected foot strike. Additional flare on the medial side of the shoe acts like a guidance rail to keep your feet stable when they get tired. The FootShape™ toe box creates an incredibly cozy slip-on feel and superior in-run comfort by letting your toes relax and spread out naturally. Don't sacrifice cushioning for less weight—have both with the new Paradigm 1.5. (Source: Altra Running)
I was really excited to learn about all of the new technology they have put into their shoes. We had a great meeting with them that involved checking out all of their new shoes for the road and trails...

One of the really cool things about all of the shoes was how light they are. My Paradigm's weigh 8 oz, crazy! That is less than my cell phone weighs.

ALTRA was sponsoring the RW trail run that afternoon, so we were going to have a chance to try out our new ALTRA shoes on the trails. The Paradigm is not considered a "trail" shoe, but they told me that they would be just fine on the trails, so I went with it.
David and I showing off our ALTRA shoes on the trails. You learn a lot about yourself when you try new things. For me trail running down here in the south consist of some dirt in the woods. But in Pennsylvania, trail running is up and down a mountain with rocks. So slow it was!
Finishing the 3.8 mile trail run with a smile...

Thanks to REI for supplying us with an awesome finishers bag and stainless water bottle for finishing the trail run. They were our medals for the day :)
So I bet your wondering how my ALTRA Paradigm shoes did out on the mountain trail? PERFECT
It was a very rocky trail run that was very steep and some points. I never lost ,y footing or felt like I was slipping. Great job ALTRA, I am def a fan.
If you are ready to check out all of the shoes and gear ALTRA has to offer, you can connect with them at You can find them on FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, and TWITTER also.
If you are excited about checking out the Runner's World half weekend next year, you can now register for 2016. Click the banner below to register.
For $140, you can run the GRAND SLAM which is all 4 races, 5k, 10k, half marathon, and the 3.8 mile trail run. That is a steal, so sign up soon to take advantage of the GRAND SLAM!
I look forward to seeing all of the you in Bethleham, PA next year! Until then...
I was given race entry, travel, and accommodations for the rwhalf and the Paradigm shoes from ALTRA running. No other compensation was given. As always all opinions are my own.