I told you guys about an amazing event last week. The One Fit Mobile Health Awareness Day here in Mobile was on Saturday. My bff and Fat to Fit Radio cohost Cindy Ross and our great friend Sue Carney (from Minnesota, lol) is making my city of Mobile a healthier place. Cindy, Sue, and the One Fit Mobile team have worked tirelessly for the this amazing awareness day. Over 50 healthy vendors including hospitals, fitness centers, gyms, health food stores, running stores, and drs offices were on display...

I love volunteering for great events for the city. It was such a beautiful day and people were having a great time checking out all the booths. Its fun running into friends like Paige...

The Color Run was downtown Saturday morning, so a lot of people came to the One Fit event after the Color Run. this was our lets take a picture, but don't touch me pose, lol! Shes so sweet and I love running into her and her fiance' Billy. It was also fun to hang out with my another bff that morning, Jennifer. She was manning the CrossFit Coastline booth...

There were awesome mini workouts happening on the stage all morning.. Here is the great Pam Kuppersmith of Bodies by Cindy leading a boot camp class...

Cycle Therapy was also out there and I tried to steal this amazing beach cruiser, lol! I loved this bike!

Overall it was an amazing event. Stay Tuned for a lot more from the One Fit Mobile crew. I will keep you guys posted about future events.
Saturday night was my husbands birthday, so we stayed in and celebrated with some Alabama football, Ironman Kona World championships, hamburgers, and cake...

Sunday, my youngest son and I took a little bike ride at a local park...

I love hanging out with my kids one on one. We are always so busy, so I try to spend quality time with each of them.

Sunday afternoon we headed home and I made chocolate sunbutter...

It is so good, stay tuned tomorrow for the super easy recipe. Your going to love it!
Now I am off to swim...
What did you do this weekend?
Have you ever had a sunbutter?
The food was very good. As event food goes party planning team did great. The pasta station at cocktails was a huge hit, as were the raw oysters.