Workouts this weekend included a couple miles on my treadmill. 2 hours on the bike trainer and 2 at home CrossFit workouts. I am trying to find that balance again.
At 36, I tend to deal with more muscle aches and pains. While I was at IRONMAN Louisville, Ali and I had the pleasure of meeting the awesome people from King Brand Healthcare.
King Brand® started with one main focus. Help our customers get the best medical treatment possible while in the comfort of their own home. It's our Quality Products and Exceptional Customer Service that make the difference. Helping customers get back on the road to a full, speedy recovery.
Ali and I got to try out the BFST Ankle Wrap.
How does the wrap work?
BFST® Devices are Electrical Medical Appliances that
actively stimulate blood
BFST® devices are NOT wraps or braces designed to simply lessen joint strain.
BFST® stimulates blood flow through the ankle tendons while the patient is at rest. This is very important because while at rest, an unaided inflamed ankle can otherwise have seriously impeded blood flow. It is the oxygen and nutrient rich blood that enables the healing process. Adequate blood flow is required for the tissue to heal properly and quickly.

We were so impressed by the King Brand BFST ankle wrap. Ali bought the cold relief for his Achilles pain and I went home with a soft tissue treatment for the leg. I have been having ITBS problems for the past 2 years, so anything that will help my upper leg and hip feel better I am all over it.
My son runs cross country for his school. He has really suffered a couple times due to planters fasciitis. Last Monday it was acting up at practice, so he was not able to run. He came home and I put the BFST wrap around his ankle, foot, and heal every night and morning for the next 3 days. On Thursday he was able to run in his cross country meet and come in 8th overall out of 100+ runners. He only had very minor pain following the race, which we have continued icing and wrapping it all weekend. He now has no pain.
If you are interested in learning more about the King Brand Therapy wraps or any of their other great products, check them out HERE!
Interesting.....I need to check them out to see if they help with PF. I've been having twinges recently and that has me scared since marathon #3 and #4 are in the next 5 months.
ReplyDeleteHi 'noshingonasphalt' :) How have you been doing with your Plantar Fasciitis? I hope with the upcoming marathons you mentioned, you are doing ok. Not sure if you checked us out, but i'll post a link for plantar fasciitis for you to review. The website has lots of great information on just the ailment alone.
What a fantastic tribute/review of our products/company :) Thank you so much Larissa and Ali. I hope you both and your son are still benefiting from treatments. We would love to hear how you guys are doing. We have started to do more with our facebook page if you ever want to take a look and shoot us a message.