Thursday, December 27, 2012

Confessions and Goals!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Mine was great. My kids got everything they asked for. Seeing the look on my kids faces when they open those specific gifts they ask for is priceless to me. Some of you may think this is not what Christmas is about,  however my kids are always making and doing for others in need. So the fact that my husband and I can get them the things they want is exciting for us.
Anyways, I wanted to kind of catch you guys up with things going on in my life. I have taken some time off from long running since the WomansHalf mainly because my IT band issues. I am starting new challenges in 2013 and want to be able to tackle those things injury free. The down side of that is I have gained about 8lbs in the past couple months. Unfortunately for me, I gain weight FAST. Honestly, I have not been eating the healthiest and can tell. With the kids being home and holiday parties, I just feel blah! So with that being said, my goals for 2013 are

  • get back to running daily
  •  start back lifting in the gym
  •  continue Crossfit a couple days a week
  •  stretch more
  •  start back on my 90% paleo diet
  •  drink more water
  •  focus back on my health
  •  focus on me
  •  LOSE 25lbs this year
  •  focus on my cycling and swimming, hello Y
  •  stop comparing myself to myself
  •  take my vitamins regularly
  •  eat to live, not live to eat
  •  enjoy life
I hope that I have influenced some of you guys this past year in some way,shape,or form. I love writing and blogging about my life. I have a ton of really cool runcations planned this year. Lots of fun giveaways and contest. I hope you will continue to follow me and enjoy my blog as much as I love sharing it with you. 

QOTD: What are some of your plans for 2013? Share them with me.


  1. Wanna meet you crazy gulf coast girls! ;) and 13 in 2013 including a full!

  2. I have a couple the same as you: stretch more and swim!

  3. Great goals! I'm ready for a reset as well!

  4. I have a few of the same ones as well! WATER! I do not drink enough at all during the winter/colder months, and need to step it up.

  5. You can do it girl! My main goal this year is 13 in 2013...which I'm sure we will tackle some of those races together!!! :-)

  6. Great goals! I love the eat to live one,it's so true!

  7. Lots of goals. Many are very similar to yours. I want to kick butt in 2013 but also want to put the E in enjoy and have fun along the way!

  8. that's such a great picture! I love your goals. I am actually working on a lot of them myself!! I'm doing a word of the year to help me remain focused and stop spreading myself too thin!

  9. Good luck and best wishes! My goal is to run a 4:30 marathon. I am planning two this year, so I have another chance if I bomb the first time :-)

  10. Hey, girl! Are you doing the relay in Destin this weekend? (I think you and Mel are on a team???) If so, LET'S GO OUT!!!! Keith and I are making a weekend of it. ;)

    Best wishes for another spectacular year for you! You did a TON of races this year and got some cool sponsorships. Keep up the good work, hope to see you soon!

  11. You have some great goals!! Mine is the same as Mindy's- to run 13 half's in 2013. And then also to get in the best shape of my life!

  12. Great photo Larisa! I hope some of your running goals include us meeting up for a race or 2!

  13. Great looking goals! I love the stop comparing yourself to yourself one. That is one I have to work on too. Old competition dealio? Hmmm? haha!

    And my main goal for this coming year is joy. This last year had great high moments but a LOT of I just want to find more joy in the upcoming year no matter what comes my way. I let too many things get to me way too much in 2012.

  14. Those are great goals Larisa! And I love that they're all totally attainable. I'm excited for everything you've got coming up for 2013 and can't wait to follow your journey!

  15. Love your goals and photo!! You are going to have a great 2013!
