Saturday, June 30, 2012

Foodie Penpal and a great running streak

Last month I posted about my first experience with Lindsay, The Lean Green Bean's Foodie Penpal program. And how much fun it is getting stuff from other parts of the U.S. in the mail. Well this month my penpal was Carrie with and I got some amazing things from her. She is in New Hampshire about as far away from Alabama, lol! This is what I recieved from her...
Yeah so the fact that she is a boston fan is pretty cool. I am not a big baseball fan, so the fact that the colors have red and white in them is great for my obsession with Alabama Football, lol! Hey I found great things in that, huh? My 5 yr old has already claimed his keep on that lunchbox for his kindergarten debut this year, great job, Carrie!

My obsession with dark chocolate def was met too! Black Current and Chili? oh my! Kristen, you must try the Chili flavored Lindt, OMG! (She has an obsession with chili pepeer flakes:) 

I have not tried the dressing yet I am saving it for a dinner party I am throwing. Let me tell you about the pure maple syrup by Ben's Sugar Shack, it is sooooo good. I decided to cheat a little on my protein pancakes and use the maple syrup on top of them, I was careful to only measure out 2 tbsp, because frankly I would love to soak them in this stuff it was so good. However my body would hate me for it:)

It was so good, I am excited about using it again, they made my protein pancakes taste super good!

I absolutely love this program and if you would like to be involved head on over to The Lean Green Bean and sign up. You do not have to have a blog/website to get involved.

My mom received a great package from Alexandra at www.adventureswithalexandria,
My moms blog is down right now, so I am posting her package here.
She received a great Georgia peach biscuit recipe with peach marmalade and hometown honey. Sounds heavenly!

Go and check out all these wonderful blogs and then make sure you head over and see Lindsay for your chance to become a foodie!

Oh and about my STREAKING, I am on day 6 and have kept it up...I have 9 miles planned tonight. I have no kids and no husband tonite and all I have planned is a 9 mile run. Times sure have changed, LOL!

QOTD: What do you have planned for this great Saturday night?
Leave me a comment below, I love hearing from you.